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Where are you on your Souls journey? What Zodiac sign is your Sun, Moon, and planets currently in and how are they effecting you?


This Computerized Progressed Chart Report uses your birth information with the current date (or future date) to get the astrological details of how the planetary aspects are influencing you. You get to witness how far you've travelled along your journey thus far, and get a peak at the road up ahead.

A Sun progression lasts about 30 years and a Moon progression lasts about 2.5 years.


What You Get:

- Combined Natal Wheel of both your Natal Birth Chart and Progressed Chart. 

- 18+ pages detailed report of planetary aspects

- Aspects Chart report for quick reference

Astrology Type: Placidus


THIS PDF IS EMAILED TO YOU WITHIN 48hrs of Purchase (excluding Holidays)! Please provide me  your email address and all the correct birth information. If you encounter any issues email me at


Progressed Report


    *On occasion the birth information is sent in not accurate and the chart will need to be re-done. There will be a small fee of  $5.00 to re-issue the correct report.

    The "re-issue” fee will need to be sent to paypal at:

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