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Galactic Roots Quantum Reading $185.


Are you ready to feel more like a multidimensional being? Do you want to know where your Soul went when you first left Source? Want to connect with your star family from the past?


If you answered yes to any of these questions then here is the perfect introductory reading to peak your curiosity and start to widen your perspective and slowly uncover the richness of your Soul.


What's Included

  • live or recorded delivery

  • your Soul’s Colour(s) and what that means

  • What Star system(s) you went to when you 1st departed from Source

  • What that/those Star Nation(s) represent and how you can connect to it

Moon Light Galactic Readings


The moon in which you were born under holds so many secrets to your Souls Yearnings. Do you feel the need for clarity and guidance on what is true for you on a Soul level? Do you want to get in touch with your Souls greatest's callings, your emotions, what makes you tick, and start taking steps to align with them?

I like to dive deep into the Moons waters and shine light on all those subconscious waves creating a pathway for you to explore.


What’s included:

  • live or recorded delivery

  • Soul Colour(s) and meaning

  • Moon phase and sign at birth and their meanings

  • Speed it travelled and declination at birth

  • Star nations aligned with your Moon

  • How to connect with those star systems for extra support

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Quantum Soul Guidance Galactic Astrology Reading


This is my premium offering which is perfect for those wanting to learn all about their Divine themes, plans, and missions.

I will be weaving your natal chart, galactic chart, and akashic records story through my seat of perception to find your themes, soul’s mission, and purpose in this lifetime.

This session serves your expansion, elevates consciousness, and creates self love in the spaces it was missing. The spaces where self judgement or past limitations burdened.


What’s Included:

  • Your choice of live zoom or recorded video

  • Soul Colour(s) and meaning

  • Soul Origin & Main Star Connections

  • Your life themes, missions, and or purposes in this lifetime

  • How to connect with the star systems your aligned with for extra support

  • All delivered to you in a practical and digestible way


Child's Healing Report


The children are our future and we are their Guardians. This report is for parents and guardians and will help you understand your child better.

See your child deeper than the surface and become aware of their higher guidance so you can best serve them as they grow and mature into adulthood. I have performed these sessions on newborns and recommend no later than age 18. As after that, they do not require your consent.

What's Included

  • emailed report to the parent/guardian

  • Soul colour(s) and meaning

  • Looking for possible themes, behaviours, likes, and needs

  • Their Star guides

  • Sending them Quantum Reiki Healing

I will need your child's full birth details, including time and location.

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