The start to June has been very productive. How has your been? I have been working quietly creating videos to my recorded meditations, so that they are more readily available to you. I was also inspired to create a Womb Healing meditation as my experience working "in" the womb space has completely shifted me in the most delightful way.
I have also been creating Reiki videos to share more information about Reiki energy and the training process. I have made 2 so far. Please check them out.
House cleansings have been on the rise for me and one of my clients interviewed me on that topic. Here are some quick tips to cleanse the energy in your space:
Open the windows and let the space air out. The breeze will assist to carry away any worries.
Light a daily incense. I prefer morning and evening, but evening just one makes a difference. Choose an incense that is made from natural aromas so you are not breathing in toxic fumes. A scent that is soothing and calming to you is best.
Start getting fresh cut flowers. Flowers add in a vibrancy that enhances the space, some with their scent, others with their colours. I will write an article on flowers soon....I have more to say on this topic
If there is alot of arguing in the space, place a bowl of ice cubes where the disagreement took place to cool down the energy. Discard that water down the drain once the ice has melted. Proceed with lighting an incense.
I do not advocate for any chemical scents, sprays, or candles so please be aware of what products you are using in house. Air fresheners do more warm than good, so best to stay away from that toxic overload. Not only are they made unnaturally but they fog and clog up the energy in your home...yuck.
This meditation works on healing you're lineage. You become the healer, fully able to express your healing needs in the place this life started. IN THE WOMB.
This quick introduction video will shed some light on how patterns, traumas, emotions, and beliefs are past on from generation to generation. The meditation will provide a safe and protected space for you to connection to and establish your source connection, remembering that love created you and forever you will be a child of this infinite wisdom and source. I have received some beautiful feedback on this healing already. You can read them on the meditations page of this website. I'd love to hear from you as well, if you have done my meditation please send me your review, email: To purchase the quantum healing womb meditation please visit here:
Thank you for being here with me. I hope you will subscribe to my youtube channel and put those free meditations to good use.
With Infinite Love and Blessings, Sabrina Savoy