1st in person event on Thursday October 13th 2022 7-9pm. Registration closes on Oct 11th. Location in Tottenham, ON.

✨The Awakening Healers Circle ✨ After my Inner Peace ceremony on Sept 22, when everyone had gone home and I was done cleaning, my ears were on fire buzzing. So I sat in silence to hear the message.
“The Awakening Healers Circle” ~ we are all equal in a circle. Many of us have authentic gifts and messages to share, & many of us need a safe place to fill our own cups up. So this event is to do just that. If you feel called you can share, be heard, & receive, while being held in love, music, & Madre Cacao.
Email: info@sabrinasavoy.com if interested.
With Love,
I Am Loving You Earth Fam ~ 33 22 321 ~ ✨💗 Love Rules The World 💚